Saturday, August 8, 2009

Anticipating Ready

Hello all!

I am not a big celebrity follower. Even on twitter, I follow the ones that I respect/am interested in, without, in my opinion, going overboard. One of the artists that I like is Trey Songz. He is the only celebrity whose blog I follow, and I think that he is talented and creative. I have enjoyed his music in the past, and I DEFINITELY enjoyed his recent mixtape, Anticipation.

I think it was all I listened to in my car for the week after it came out. So, here is my plug for Trey Songz. And check out his blog, it's on my blog list: See Further Than I Am. :)


  1. hahaha. u know i dont think this joint is a mixtape....its so a pre-cd...and its AMAZING. i GET A NEW FAV. SONG DAILY!!! Right now..."on top" makes my soul quiver

  2. Trey Songz is a good artist I will have to check this out.

  3. too damm sexxcii;;)

    follow my blog n ill follow urs backk

  4. @Da DEFINITION - lol, right? Scratchin' Me Up and Make It Rain battle daily. Close third is She Ain't My Gurl.

    @Tough-Love - definitely!

    @Tay MF Dee - yes, he is definitely that! And will do! :)
