Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Consequences of Words/Th1rteen R3asons Why


I'm back again. After I ended the previous post, I decided to give the series a rest (and I didn't have the next books in the series yet, haha), so I started a book called Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher. This is another book that I picked up in the "Teen" section, and I am happy that I did. I will not run down the plot here because I really believe that everybody should read it. But this post is indeed inspired by it.

Do you ever think about how your words might affect someone else? Sometimes I think we say things without really thinking about the consequences. I mean, there are self-proclaimed assholes out there who speak and do not care who they affect. They think everyone should be as thick-skinned as they are. And really, it's an isolated incident, so it shouldn't really matter.

But what if the person that you are talking about/to/through, etc. or making fun of, or simply blatantly disregarding is going through so much that your comment is just one in many? Your action adds to the afflictions they already feel... Your words can truly make a difference in how a person feels about themselves. And you might think that's weak minded, or being overly sensitive, but who are you to tell them how they should feel? That being said, noone should be able to tell you how to express yourself. Just be ready for the consequences.

Oh yeah... And read the book...

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