Friday, December 31, 2010

Good-bye 2010. Hello, 2011!

Ok. Definitely been slacking on the blog front. And its not going to get any better. BUT, noone really reads this anyway, so it's ok! Haha. And I'm cool with that.

Anyway, I don't have a huge sentimental feeling at this year's end like I did last year. 2010 had a lot of GREAT times, but it also hosted some of the worst times I can remember. Truth be told, there were a lot of feelings or inadequacy, suspicion, and outright failure that I associate with many happenings of 2010. That's not a pity statement; it actually facilitated quite the growing process for me. I do think that 2011 will see a new me, but that's less because it is a "new year," and more because I am reacting to the cards I have been dealt. The fact that this is coinciding with a year change is pretty coincidental.

So farewell to 2010! It's been a crazy ride! I'm looking forward to some of the things I have set into action for 2011!

Besos, mis amors!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update! 6/29/2010

Ok, so this isn't going to be long or particularly profound, but I did want to at least let anyone who was not aware that I am, in fact, still alive. It's been a long time since I've actually written anything (aside from my formspring answers). I have completed my first City Year journey (with another to come), been through some THANGS with some friendships that I hold dear, and generally learned a LOT about myself, as cliche as that may sound. It's late (as that's when I tend to write), so I won't get into everything right now, but it's coming. I promise!

Oh yes, and ummm... HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! I can't wait!
Oh, and Eclipse too. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why are you, you?

Why am I me? Another interesting question...

I believe that I am who I am because of the things that I have been through, and the things that I believe. My experiences have shaped me, along with my faith, into the person that I am.

That's about as detailed as I can get without being too specific. However, I love these kinds of conversations, so ask me in person! :-)

Ask me anything

Why did you become a Delta?

Hmmm... The short answer is... suffice it to say Delta was in my heart long before I knew of Delta. Once I learned about Delta, it resonated with that I already knew was important to me. Delta is, at its core, about impassioned women who want to make a difference in the world around them. It also helps that I connected with the women on my campus.

I became a Delta to join the ranks of like-minded, but not homogeneous women and make an impact on my community.

I'm just lucky that Delta chose me back.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Founders' Day!

Ok, it's been awhile... I'll work on that... But I had to stop in and drop some love on 1/13/2010 to wish all of my sorors a HAPPY FOUNDERS' DAY!!!!!!!! OOOOO-OOP!

"It started way back in 1913 when 22 courageous women had the ultimate dream! Dedicated to service, they reigned supreme, that's why we stand here today before you wearing Crimson and Cream!"

"*97* never looked sooooooo good, ladies! :-)

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
January 13, 1913
Howard University