Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update! 6/29/2010

Ok, so this isn't going to be long or particularly profound, but I did want to at least let anyone who was not aware that I am, in fact, still alive. It's been a long time since I've actually written anything (aside from my formspring answers). I have completed my first City Year journey (with another to come), been through some THANGS with some friendships that I hold dear, and generally learned a LOT about myself, as cliche as that may sound. It's late (as that's when I tend to write), so I won't get into everything right now, but it's coming. I promise!

Oh yes, and ummm... HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! I can't wait!
Oh, and Eclipse too. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why are you, you?

Why am I me? Another interesting question...

I believe that I am who I am because of the things that I have been through, and the things that I believe. My experiences have shaped me, along with my faith, into the person that I am.

That's about as detailed as I can get without being too specific. However, I love these kinds of conversations, so ask me in person! :-)

Ask me anything

Why did you become a Delta?

Hmmm... The short answer is... suffice it to say Delta was in my heart long before I knew of Delta. Once I learned about Delta, it resonated with that I already knew was important to me. Delta is, at its core, about impassioned women who want to make a difference in the world around them. It also helps that I connected with the women on my campus.

I became a Delta to join the ranks of like-minded, but not homogeneous women and make an impact on my community.

I'm just lucky that Delta chose me back.

Ask me anything